
Showing posts from November, 2019

Human brain | Human psychology | Behavior

Human psychology Human psychology   The Qur'an  is a complete code of conduct. The Qur'an also describes the  human psychology  where  it has provided guidance for the development of the nations. Describes the problems and solutions to human psychology. At present, there has been a rapid development in the field of psychology of the people and the result which the doctors have reached today by making progress in this field has been explained several hundred years ago by the Quran. Scientists' experiences may be lacking, but there is no chance of any error in the guidance God has given is absolutely right and true. And if we work more in this area according to divine guidance, not much time is needed to understand the problems of psychology. And very soon human beings will find solutions to these problems which have not yet been resolved. The human brain is a very powerful machine where humans can get a lot of help from it. It is also true that ...

Quran questions | Intellect | Revelation

Quran questions Intellect Revelation Quran questions Criticizing  any academic discourse raises questions and as many questions arise we can solve the problem with ease. But unfortunately, we see criticism as a direct attack on our faith and on our religion and lead to  religious violence  and   religious issues . Most people interpret "criticism" as "satirical" and then direct every question they make directly attacks their faith and Islam.  Our religion is not the only religion in the world that discourages criticism, the same has happened in other religions,  but as far as our  Deen Islam  or  revelation  is concerned, it allows criticism and questions , but since we are not accustomed to learning from the experiences, We like to slip on the same banana peel that a human has slipped on before. All these problems that we are seeing today are the other nations that were identified three or four hundred years ago....

Arab spring | Electric vehicles | Scientific revolution

Arab spring Electric vehicles Scientific revolution Arab spring  Electric vehicles  Scientific revolution ELECTRIC VEHICLES  AND ARAB DOWNFALL IS ABOUT TO HAPPENED  There  are many factors taking place in the world to eliminate the power of the Arab countries and the countries that sell gasoline, Without getting entangled in the actions of Arab countries that are leading them to ruin, I will point you to the problem that is causing the present situation. Not only automobile companies around the world, but Arab countries that supply petrol are all confused as to how to solve the problem. Due to the bad deeds of the Arabs and their misfortune, so much work has been done in this sector now that they cannot stop this new technology, innovation, and  scientific revolution . Let's see what this new technology is about. Electric cars  * No new petrol or diesel motor vehicles, buses, or trucks will be sold anywhere in the world in the...

History of Islam | Religious events | History

History of Islam Religious events  A brief history of Islam 1400 years have passed  since Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of Allah, and what has been said about him in the Qur'an is true and it is clearly written in the Qur'an. Apart from the Qur'an, the religious and traditional big religious scholars, who are also doing research and compiled a  brief history of Islam , can find nothing but error.  They neither saw the prophet Muhammad nor saw his era.  The traditions on which they are being researched are not witnesses to the era of prophet Muhammad, but centuries later.  Their civilization and religion were different from Arabs. All that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said and did has come to this Quran.  If the Qur'an was not enough and prophethood was necessary, then they would not have died or the Prophets would have continued till the Day of Judgment.  But no  After Allah completed the Qu...

Riba and inflation | Usury meaning

Riba and inflation  Inflation O’ who believe, do not consume the overcharging strangulation, debilitating weaker, and adhere God for reason of your growth  (word to word correct translation of Quranic verse 3:130) It is well known that the word Riba used in the  Qur'an  is not limited to interest or  usury  only, Its definition is very broad and many aspects come into it. As our scholars have deliberately limited it to the extent of interest. In fact, this is not limited to interest, In the article, I will not tell you the details about  Riba  but will point you to a problem which is a global issue. Certainly, this problem is also a branch of interest, And this is a kind of legal terrorism that is involved in defining interest. In this article I want you to read it, understand it and research it and correct me if I am wrong. And also tell me whether such economic cruelty is involved in the definition of interest.     Have...

Kashmir issue | Article 370 Kashmir | Narendra modi

Civil award to Narendra modi Kashmir curfew As we are well aware of the  Kashmir issue  of how occupied  Kashmir is burning  nowadays And there is continued oppression and persecution on the Muslims there.  Many days have passed and people are living in this state of distress there is no medicine or no treatment or no food available and  Kashmir is still under curfew . What is more shocking is the visit of the Prime Minister of India to the Arab countries and at a time when Kashmir is burning and going there, it is very worrisome to take the highest civil award from Arab Muslim country. In this short article, we will research and analyze what causes it all, and why the Prime Minister of India has been given a  civil awards 2019   by the Arab countries on such an occasion. You always hear a few words, such as the  Alliance of Muslims  ( Ittihad bainul muslimeen) and  Muslim ummah . There is no doubt that these...

Property law | Sharia law | Quran

Act of Grace Act of grace مَاذَا يُنفِقُونَ قُلِ الْعَفْوَ Today in this article we will research and compare this verse of the Qur'an with the translation of the Traditional Scholar and the Qur'an only scholar or the Qur'an and also see what the straightforward and simple translation of these words of the Qur'an regarding the  property law . To understand this verse of the Qur'an it is necessary to first understand the word يُنفِقُونَ in this verse of the Qur'an. As I have stated in my numerous articles that the Qur'an declares that the Qur'an has been revealed in a very plain language and in pure Arabic, the rules of all Arabic grammar have been used. And the translation of commonly used words in Arabic is not different from the words in the Quran. So, first of all, we will see how the words I have mentioned above are used in the Arabic language in everyday use. If you have ever been to Saudi Arabia, you know that the words on ...

Arabic grammar | Arabic language | Quran

The Quran and Arabic grammar  Holy Quran Holy Quran  was revealed 1400 years ago in the land of Arabia, in which Allah revealed His revelation in keeping with all the rules of Arabic grammar and linguistic rules. Those who make the false excuse that there was no law of grammar at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an and at the time of prophet Muhammad, Among those involved in making this excuse is the Quranist scholar in particular. These are the people who claimed that the rules of  Arabic grammar  were not used in the  Qur'an  and the biggest proof of this was that they had to make the exposition of the Quran. Because these people are badly trapped in the exposition. These are the people who do not want word to word accurate translation of the Quran. I am unable to understand that the words spoken in the Arabic language used in the Quran but when those words come in the Qur'an, their meaning is changed. And for that, they have to ...

Effects of depression | Anxiety | Phobia

Effects of depression Human brain It is true that the  human brain  is a very powerful and very complex machine,  It is such a powerful device that we should get as much information as we can about it because it makes our lives easier, but because of ignorance, our lives are full of problems and sufferings. It would not be wrong to say that if we understand all the ways to control this device then all our worries and sufferings on that day will be gone. There is so much progress in this field that it is described in such simple language that it has become very easy to understand. If you research carefully, you will find that many diseases were not known to man because there was no development in the field which led to the wrong beliefs of the human being. But as the sector progressed and its information reached the common man, all the wrong kinds of beliefs disappeared. Particularly in Asian countries, it is very important to spread the information of th...

Spiritual awakening | Spiritual

Spiritual awakening Spiritual healing Spiritualism  is the branch of knowledge that man has always been trying to understand And different methods have been adopted to get this knowledge. It does not mean that man has failed to get the knowledge of spirituality, And it does not mean that every person who seeks the knowledge of spirituality has succeeded. It has often been observed that the method adopted to obtain the knowledge of spirituality, shows that man does not know the true spirituality. Some people wandered in the jungles for many years, leaving their homes and families behind, Some people ended their relationship with the world and kept themselves alone for many years, Some people have tried this knowledge through meditation in different ways.  But despite many years of hard work, many people have failed to get this knowledge. This happened because many people did not understand the true essence of spirituality. And those who understand ...