Quran questions | Intellect | Revelation

Quran questions Intellect Revelation

Quran questions

Criticizing any academic discourse raises questions and as many questions arise we can solve the problem with ease. But unfortunately, we see criticism as a direct attack on our faith and on our religion and lead to religious violence and religious issues.

Most people interpret "criticism" as "satirical" and then direct every question they make directly attacks their faith and Islam.

 Our religion is not the only religion in the world that discourages criticism, the same has happened in other religions, but as far as our Deen Islam or revelation is concerned, it allows criticism and questions, but since we are not accustomed to learning from the experiences, We like to slip on the same banana peel that a human has slipped on before.

All these problems that we are seeing today are the other nations that were identified three or four hundred years ago.  There is an example of Europe.  Where criticism was banned, questioning was strictly prohibited, Abedin, Sajidin and Zakirin, the rule of the clergy was everywhere;
 For the solution,  priest, God, prayer, and church must be approached, he was the theologian that we were not even in his teens.  The prejudice was that every black person was considered ignorant and unworthy.
 What happened then that the thinking of Europe changed drastically and it made humanity and the knowledge of the curriculum their destiny?

 It was a revolutionary change to invent the printing press in Europe!

 The charisma of this unusual invention was that people with critical thinking began to use intellect and write books, the public would be encouraged to question, modern research was being funded and translations were published,  Today the Internet is doing something similar to what the press did with Christianity in Europe centuries ago.  How many men were burned alive, hung on a cross, thrown from tall buildings and made a mark?
 but what?

 One can never kill ideology, right?

 Human ideas are bulletproof, no pill can affect them;  Man is mentally on the same level, always angry with change and trying to suppress the rising sounds in different ways. ۔  ۔  Therefore

 All the prophets till date have been critical of him, devastating in the idol of his father and waking up at night in search of God, sometimes thinking of the moon as their god and then denying it.
The prophet Abraham or the prophet who spoke against injustice in the markets of Jerusalem, or the prophet Moses who challenged Pharaoh's kingdom.
 Weren't they all critical?
 How easy it would be for them to say, "Leave it, man, let go of whatever is going on, we know that there is only God and that is enough for us."  This is the point that most people today think, but what are the elements and what are the factors that keep them from thinking?
 They are.  ۔  ۔  Social pressure, what will people say?  How will my daughter get married?  what will the relatives think?  People will start irritating me and so on.  ۔  ۔

 The artificial feeling of the short-lived "insecurity" nonsense!  This is the reason why people of religious societies take off their religious veils when they go to secular areas.  Due to their culture, they are limited to chicken, cow and goat meat, but they are less concerned about the legitimate way to slaughter.  Most of all, women do not feel any special need for a social norm except the veil, because the feeling of insecurity is less.  Most people just adhere to religion under the idea that if there is a God, what will happen to us?


 Here I would like to ask you if God wanted a robot, then why would I be given the intellect?
 Creator hates intellect?  It doesn't matter!
 Or is it your own security that doesn't let you think?
 Or the dreadful fear that religious leaders put in, that even such things come to mind leads to faith?

 In fact: My purpose is not to offend any religion.
 I crave a constructive correction amidst this critical thinking!  Anyone who has a hundred percent faith in the truth of his religion should not want to panic because the truth can never be blasphemed, the truth never gets angry, truth does not blow the necks of men to prove themselves.  Again.

 In fact, this attitude is a lie.  If you think you are right, then answer!  Don't worry!
 The questioners will be among you.
 How would you respond if your own child would ask this question tomorrow on your own lap?  ؟

 There are, of course, some people on this earth who simply need solid proofs and clear proofs for the rejection of something, so on the contrary, they must understand no alien creature !!!

So the existence of Allah is the truth and the creation of this world is also a truth that no human being can deny. We must obey God and obey His message given to humanity in the form of the Qur'an.

And based on any conspiracy, the myths which have been incorporated in the religion should be kept in view and separated from our religion so that we can emerge with a reconciled nation and join other countries in the race for development.

I will end this article with words that are a message of the Qur'an that think again and again. When a person thinks, again and again, questions arise in his mind and the more questions are raised, the easier it is to understand the truth. 

And whoever incites you against the message of Allah that you are not allowed to ask, you can better understand what the standard of this man is.



  1. In the Holy Quran Allah says that he made the earth and the universe and everything in it from truth. What is this truth or how do you understand this?


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