History of religion | List of religions

History of religion

In the pre-Islamic era or in dark age there were many types of religion. The majority believe in monotheistic religions but at the same time, they believed in One bigger God and also believed that there are many small gods too.
Therefore at that time, there was a weird kind of philosophy of religion.

In this article, we will analyze the historical events related to religion
and history of religion and compare it with Islam.

After that, we will analyze what the current Islam is in real form or in fabricated form. And if Islam is in fabricated form well in this case what is the actual core message of Islam.

history of religion

The main difference between Islam and other religions was that Islam claims that only Allah is God, the Creator is the Lord of the universe While other religions that exist on this earth They believe that Allah is the greatest and supreme God or they believed on monotheistic religions  But there are also many small gods on the earth that are very important to worship And it is very important and necessary for humans to worship these small gods  to please them. It is necessary and necessary for human beings to do so because human beings cannot come close to the Great and supreme  God unless the support and consent of these smaller gods are involved. In other words, these small Gods are the means of reaching the Great supreme  God. No human can reach the supreme  God without the help of the smaller gods.

About fourteen hundred years ago Islam came and the Prophet Muhammad came with the true revelation of Allah on the land of Arabia. And he conveyed the true message of Allah to all mankind: Only Allah is the Lord of all the worlds; He is the Lord of the universe.
And that Allah is closer to the jugular vein of every human being No small gods are needed to reach this supreme God  Allah.

This was the fundamental point that made Islam unique from all other religions And that was basically the true and core message of Islam. Pre- Islam, humans were busy in various methods of worship to please their small gods And were completely immersed in the darkness of ignorance.
There were a majority of Arab polytheists and hypocrites who believed in the moon as God He believed the moon to be God and worshipped it in various ways to please it.  Everyone who reads the article can google the moon god and find out its details. All information on Google and Wikipedia is available as a reference.

And many people used to imagine the earth their God and the effects of the Evolution you can still see that Hindu in India still says the motherland or DHARTI MAA.

Anyway, we come back to our subject, Just as these hypocrites believed the moon to be God Likewise, many hypocrites and polytheists believed in the sun as God, The black stone was considered a god, Even the idols that they made with his own hands were considered as gods, other than that They believed  and worshiped anything that could harm them.

The business of religion was booming, Powerful people became masters of religion No one could raise their voice in front of this powerful elite. The person who tried to raise their voice against the power was scared to death by the punishment of the grave and the displeasure of God. If a person was not afraid even then he would have been declared a traitor and he was killed Based on treason from religion.

In front of such a force and in the era of ignorance a man came to claim it That he is a Prophet of Allah and Allah has sent him to convey his message to the humans And that is the message and guidance of Allah that Almighty Allah is the Creator and Owner of everything in this world. Allah is one, He has no father, no son, There is no partner of Allah, Allah is the Lord of all mankind and of all the worlds, So the concept of these little gods is completely false And absolutely ignorance Allah created the things that you consider to be God The things you consider as God can neither harm nor benefit anyone. All these things belong to Allah.

And you immediately stopped worshiping those whom you consider being small gods and ways to please them. Allah commanded that it is forbidden to worship these small gods, The worship of this ignorance should be stopped immediately. O people think with their intellect and understanding and come to the light of the true guidance of Allah, And leave the path of the darkness of ignorance.
This was the basic message of Islam for all humanity, And the Prophet Muhammad, with all his struggle, conveyed the message of Allah to humanity And brought humanity out of the darkness of ignorance. Obviously, in this age of ignorance, that was not an easy task to convey such a message of God to all human beings Because those who were seated as masters of religion were seeing their power and their authority is gone. They seemed to rule the innocent people and their kingdom was falling, They were seeing the end of their monopoly power in Arabia and losing control over Arabia.

Obviously, it was not easy for these idolaters and hypocrites to digest and swallow it. Therefore they strongly opposed the Prophet of Allah And they rejected the message of Allah and the guidance of Allah.

This problem has led to many wars between the Arabs and the Prophet Muhammad, but in the end, Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad a victory against the Arabs, The Prophet Muhammad's struggle to spread the message of Allah to all human beings has been recorded throughout history. And above all, Allah has preserved all these events in his book in the Qur'an. We will not go into the details of these events and stick to the subject of our article.

So the day came when Prophet Muhammad was to depart from this world And humanity had to lose a grand entity. So the Prophet Mohammad left this world.
This was the time when the eyes of heaven saw a great man depart from this world and a great conspiracy began.
Secret of religion 

For a few hundred years, everything went on very successfully because of the teachings of Prophet Mohammad and the companions that Prophet Muhammad made in the light of these teachings. Readers of this article should know that Persian has had a great influence in Arabia And a large number of Persian-speaking rulers have been in the Arabian land. All of this information you can search for yourself is available in Google and Wikipedia, I have a question for all readers besides this ground truth and factual reality.

The hypocrites and the polytheists who fought against the Prophet Muhammad were very intense on Arabian soil. And these people were in the great majority, It is a fact that many people entered Islam after the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad But did 100 percent of all human beings enter Islam in the Arabian land? And besides, those who had entered Islam, did they truly embrace Islam?
Allah says in the Quran that many hypocrites were like when they were with Prophet Muhammad, they used to say that we are with you sincerely, but when they were with other hypocrites and polytheists, they used to say.  That we are with you.

One of my humble questions is: Where did such hypocrites and idolaters who were so large suddenly disappear from the Arabian land? There is a very simple and very straightforward answer to this question and that is the answer That the idolaters and hypocrites were present on the Arabian soil and were waiting for a time when they could easily plan against Islam. So these opportunities were met when they used the great influence of the Persian language on the Arabian land to achieve their goals and began their planning.

Every human being knows that the Persian language is very broad and fluent and its influence has been in many languages.
And many Persian words, especially in Arabic and Urdu, are used in everyday life, So taking advantage of this, they started their conspiracy. Before telling more details, it is very important to explain the prophecy that is the procedure to understand the words of the Qur'an.

Philosophy of religion

The Qur'an has revealed it in a very clear Arabic language, in keeping with the Arabic grammar law. And the Qur'an has been revealed in a very simple language and the words used in daily life in Arabic have been revealed in the Qur'an so that Everyone can easily understand and follow the words of the Qur'an. You can confirm what you have just read with the Qur'an Allah has confirmed this in the Qur'an.

Along with this, the Qur'an also affirms that no scholar or a cleric is needed to understand the very simple and clear words that Allah has used in the Qur'an.

And lastly, what Allah Almighty has criticized in the Qur'an in very serious words They are the words of Allah that you people should not follow your ancestors, they were human too. They could have been mistaken. So the message of Allah is very clear and easy. Therefore, do your research with your intellect and see for yourself what the message of Allah is and follow it, In the Hereafter, your excuse will not be acceptable That we have been following what our ancestors taught us. Therefore do not follow as the blind and the deaf, read the message of Allah, see for yourself and follow it. And Allah confirms in the Qur'an that those who do not use their intellect and understanding have eyes, but they are blind, they have ears, but they are deaf, and such people are like cattle.
And you should keep it clear in your mind that in the Qur'an you will find complete continuity from beginning to end. Reading any verse of the Quran as a single verse without understanding its context is a vicious process.

From your busy life in today's time, if you take some time and patiently think about it, you will understand that every human being has some kind of belief, whether that is what our ancestors taught us or taught by a Maulvi in a mosque or by a religious scholar. We want to protect that belief. And the matter does not end here, but the scholars who are religious scholars belong to some sect and according to this sect they are taught and they become scholars of this sect and not the scholars of Islam. They also have a top priority in protecting the beliefs they have been taught in their community or sect.

Therefore, due to the misfortune of the Ummah, the scholars who were present to explain the words of the Qur'an are also engaged in protecting their beliefs in the present day.
It is important to understand all the words of Allah that have been revealed in the Qur'an by eliminating all your beliefs. If you want to know the words of Allah which are revealed in the Qur'an you must understand and practice it.

Religious tolerance

 So whatever your beliefs are, Regardless of the beliefs you have inherited from your ancestors Or some scholar has taught in mosques Or beliefs that are the product of your own mind. Take them all out of your mind and put them on one side, Then start reading the Qur'an in a clear Arabic language And the words that are revealed in the Quran in Arabic And notice how those words are used in Arabic, You can get help from an old Arabic dictionary such as EWL Lexicon And any old dictionary that explains the meaning of words And a dictionary that explains the root and meaning of the words of the Qur'an Because there are many dictionaries in which people write meaning according to their beliefs.

Indeed, the word is used in the Arabic language in some other sense in everyday life But the meaning of these words was changed in the dictionaries and the meaning of the words was written according to their beliefs You have to be careful with such a dictionary.
You can also get help from those who have written dictionaries in English Because they had no prior beliefs He wrote purely the meaning of the Arabic language words You can use them to understand the meaning of Arabic words.

Historical events

Now we come back to the conspiracies of those hypocrites,

These hypocrites could not change the words of the Qur'an which have been revealed in Arabic Nor can those words be changed because Allah Almighty has taken responsibility for the protection of His words,  Therefore, no fabrication or change of any kind is possible in the words of Allah BUT The conspiracy was that they changed the meaning of the words of Allah, Gradually the translations of the Qur'an began to be written And very cleverly Change the meaning of words And that was the devilish trick that The words used in Urdu and Persian are similarly spoken in Arabic But to the extent of speaking, those words are similarly spoken in Arabic The way Urdu or Persian are spoken But in Arabic these words mean something else, In Arabic, these words do not mean what they mean in Persian or Urdu, To the extent that they speak Arabic, Persian words are the same But in Arabic these words mean something else And these words in Persian mean something else.

These hypocrites changed the meaning of the Arabic words into Persian, Simply put, that is to say, that the words are of Arabic language But the meaning of these words is taken from Urdu or Persian And because those words were the same in speaking, no one raised their objection.
But Arabic-speaking Arabs knew and understood Arabic very well and The words of the Qur'an do not mean what is written in the translations of the Qur'an, So to remove this objection, these hypocrites had to make the belief that not everyone could understand the meaning of the words of the Qur'an.

So false traditions were created to justify the meaning of these words And those who have not the slightest fear of Allah, attribute the tradition in the name of Prophet Muhammad. Such false traditions were created and linked to the life of the Prophet Muhammad so that the meaning of the false words could be justified. These hypocrites and liars have no little fear of Allah But one day these hypocrites have to be accountable to God And on that day all their lies will be uncovered and their intrigues will unfold.

The human mind has reached such a low level now That the traditions that were written 500 or 600 hundred years after the death of Prophet Muhammad In these traditions, something comes up that conflicts with the Qur'an So in that case, what is in the tradition is considered correct and what is in the Qur'an is considered wrong. May Allah guide and forgive such ignorant people.

Now you may be wondering what is a Muslim who believes in traditions apart from the Quran?
If you ever try to open the book of Allah's words in the Qur'an and try to understand these words, you will understand, And then try to read what is in the traditions, And then in your family at your home, see if the practice that is followed is in accordance with the Qur'an or in accordance with false traditions. The bitter truth is that instead of reading and understanding the Qur'an, we have become the copycat of our ancestors. From the beginning of your life until your death, without using your mind consciously Without using logic Like blind and deaf people are busy performing false rituals and traditions, And people think that by doing all this we will enter paradise, Just as a person commits a suicide bombing and kills the women and innocent children and thinks he will enter paradise.

I wonder if a man has to earn only two dollars So he is willing to work many hours and put in a lot of effort just for two dollars But this man does not have two minutes to understand and practice the words of Allah revealed in the Qur'an, And these words of Allah are the basis of our life and the Hereafter, but human beings don't need to understand the words of Allah And it's not even necessary to talk about it, This world and the people in it are beyond my comprehension.
Cursed on the liars and the hypocrites Who conspired with the Holy Prophet Muhammad and Allah Almighty And curse those who are constantly engaged in following this lie.

People who want to find out what they like in the Quran I would like to tell these people that the Holy Quran has reached us through Prophet Muhammad and The Qur'an is from Allah, It did not come from humans,  So please stop interpreting the words you like.

If you run a small office, there are so many things written in everyday matters And in the larger region of the world, after the success of the Prophet Mohammad, there was a Muslim government, There is no single paper written about the issues of running such a large government, Now some people will argue that they did not know how to read and write, they were illiterate, Allah said in the Qur'an that when you make a contract, write it down. If they were illiterate Then Allah is asking whom to write?? Who wrote this Qur'an if they were illiterate, come on grow up guys...
However, there is no written paper of such a large government It is proof that all these written papers were selectively burned If this was not a conspiracy then what was it?

Types of religion

They then created this belief to resolve these objections What Allah has revealed in the Qur'an is confusing words or you can say that the words of the Quran are ambiguous, A word has many meanings And whatever you like, you can find out now in the Quran.
If you guys want to see an example of these kinds of people So you can see the people who call themselves Quran-only scholars, QURANIST.

The sect was founded by Ghulam Ahmad Parvez Sahib in Pakistan And started a weekly teaching session, There are also many books written by him, You can find many details about them on the Internet too. He interpreted the words of the Qur'an And that interpretation was very good But their interpretations were not confirmed by the Qur'an, Many words were included in the translation of the Qur'an by themselves, Basically he was a socialist-minded man, And he read the Qur'an from a socialist point of view And repeat the same mistake that people have been making for centuries, According to his point of view, he sought to find out the meaning of the words of the Qur'an, And it was common that the words of the Qur'an are ambiguous So they got what they wanted from the Quran.

If you include your words in the words of Allah So I want to ask that the words that you have included yourself are the words God has sent down on you. Obviously, this is not possible, So did Allah have a lack of words that you had to add words to yourself?

If you read the Quran without any preconceived notions and simply follow what is being said in very plain, simple, and straightforward words of Allah then you will be able to understand it. No word in the Qur'an is called ambiguous,  How dare you say the words of God that are clearly conveyed to humanity are to say these words as ambiguous.

Furthermore, when a person tells a lie, he has to tell hundreds of lies to accomplish that one lie. A new lie was told to the Ummah that all the books of Allah along with the Qur'an have been revealed on this land, all of them are in the metaphorical language. That is if the literal meaning of any word of the Quran goes against your beliefs So it is said that it is the metaphor of the Qur'an This word should not be interpreted literally. What is Lateral Meaning and metaphor?

As you know, to take the literal meaning of the words of Allah in the Quran And on the other hand is a metaphor which means Those words of the Qur'an are cited as an example, The meaning of these words is something else Not everyone can understand the meaning of words. Now you all have to work with your logic, Allah sent His message to mankind So that all humans can easily understand this message But that message was sent in ambiguous  language or in metaphorical language  And in the Qur'an Allah did not even say which words to take the literal meaning  and which words to take on as metaphor, The door was opened so that whoever wishes to find the meaning of the words in the Quran according to their beliefs They could easily do this, All these people have to answer my question If it is not a blame on Allah Almighty then what is it.

It is a bitter truth that we have made fun of the clear and simple words of Allah, And the Ummah will have to pay for it, in fact, We have been suffering for almost a thousand years as a punishment for this error but we are not ready to correct our mistake.

Have you ever thought that this Ummah who ruled over such a large area of earth? And Allah says in the Qur'an that I have sent this Ummah for the guidance of mankind, Why has that nation been steadily declining for over a thousand years. How long will we not admit that we are wrong?
The nations who understood the spirit of the Qur'an Those nations are developing in the world And engage in better inventions to make human life easier, And we are busy calling each other unbelievers and cutting off each other's heads. All rituals are performed with great enthusiasm But still, we're just falling down, Isn't this the time when we should use our intellect and understanding? What time will it be when we start thinking?

Let me tell you a little story, Once upon a time there is fish in the sea She somehow falls into a flowing well, In this well, this fish meets a frog, The fish tells this frog Do you know how big the sea is? The frog extends its two hands and says that the sea is so big, The fish says no, the sea is even bigger, Frog says now I understand how big the sea is. From one side of the well to the other there is such a large sea, The fish says you are wrong The sea is even bigger. Frog thinks for a while and says You're fooling me, From one side of the well to the other, the whole world is, This is the limit What could be greater than this?

What did you understand from this story? We are not ready to accept that there may be something beyond our thinking, So we have been explained this is what we consider to be the last limit, Unable to understand and think beyond it. Not ready to believe that there may be something beyond our thinking but we stubborn on the contrary that what we think is all right and there is nothing beyond it. Just as a person should be given red glasses And they put red glasses on their eyes So this person will see the whole world red, After a while, the person will forget that he is wearing red glasses Due to which the world is looking red And he will think that this world actually looks red. Are we not living in such a misunderstanding today? Think and ponder about it.

Allama Iqbal was a very beautiful poet, He gave the Ummah a question, Does Allah Almighty exists? But today I give a new question to the Ummah, Does the self exists? You people don't know who you are and you are thinking about God, once you know who you are then you will know that Allah exists. Allah says in the Qur'an that His signs are contained within you, Humanity does not know its value, If humans know and understand this secret So he can be free from all the worries of this world But this is a completely new article I'm starting to write an article on it, This article will be available in more detail in the coming days.

In this article, I have been trying to write very simple and clear words Avoid complicated and difficult words So that the reader can easily understand this article. I have tried to explain the message to you in very simple words Without any complicated analysis and references.

Although I'm available all the time if any reader wants analysis references or proofs.
I am prepared to provide word to word correct translation of the Arabic text of the Quran if anyone needs it, but keep in mind that I am not a translator Nor do I want to give a new translation based on beliefs, But I can explain to you the method of digging down the words of the Qur'an to get to its root and find out their meaning and Can teach you to analyze in a technical and modern way.

The human brain is a very powerful device If humans can understand the mechanism of controlling it So anything can be achieved through this powerful device. Many of the problems in this world are the product of the human mind But the way medical science has developed in other fields Thus, the fields of psychiatric disorders have not developed Or say that a human being is ashamed to go to a psychiatrist He thinks that if I go to a psychiatrist, people will think me crazy or mentally retarded. While this is not the case.

 You can go to a psychiatrist just like you go to a doctor for a cough and headache. Just as the doctor treats cough and fever, psychiatric disorders are treated as well. For example, in the old days when malaria was infected with a human So it was said that this man had a very powerful giants effect This person has been controlled by a ghost And the ghost is so powerful that it is difficult for this person to survive And for centuries, humans lived under the same misconceptions in the same misunderstanding,

Then the sector developed in a modern way And it turns out that malaria is not caused by a ghost, but by a small mosquito. Likewise, many of our beliefs and many problems in our lives are just the product of our mind, When a human begins to look in the right direction and analyses his mind, he finds that all beliefs and problems are just and only the product of the mind. In fact, all these problems are much smaller than a mosquito. Developed nations are moving forward in research and we are left behind.

However, books such as traditions were written to protect their beliefs, Such myths have been written in them Such nasty words are written That no believer can read these words. Instead of questioning the validity of such false books we adopted these books And consider it part of our religion. So if someone in the Western world pulls something out of the books of these traditions and makes a joke and presents it to the world So we become very emotional and Very strongly condemn, They are not prepared to understand that all these myths are contained in the books of our traditions which we have made part of our religion.

Many people have abandoned Islam. They believe that many things in the Quran have been written against scientific facts and ground truths. While the Qur'an has not written anything against scientific facts or ground truths Rather, the science that has arrived today was confirmed in the Qur'an fourteen hundred years ago. False traditions and devilishly changing the meaning of the words of the Qur'an have led to the conclusion that many people have left Islam.

Besides, the methodology such as TASREEF E AYAT was invented. In this method any word that appears in the Qur'an is chosen The meaning of this particular word is extracted and wherever that word is repeated in the Qur'an, it is weighed on the same scale, Without seeing the grammatical structure and context of the verse.

I explain this procedure in a very simple language, “Get” is a word used in the English language if You will only translate the word “Get" no matter What word has been added to the “Get” for example, Get up, Get in, Get out, You have seen the same word that has come up three times but the word three times has different meanings, so if you translate the word “Get" and fit the same translation everywhere, what conclusions do you arrive at? Obviously will come to the wrong conclusion.

Now I quote an example given by my blessed teacher, If I write in my novel that when I was in Dubai, I was bathed in cold water, Reader takes it that wherever I write a bath in my novel, it means that I took a bath with cold water. So now if I'm in the cold of Canada and I write in my novel I take a bath And the reader thinks that I bathed with cold water Because I wrote that I had a bath with cold water in Dubai So in that case, I would have died from frostbite. We have been doing this kind of joke for centuries with the words of Allah.

My blood boils when I see someone making fun of the words of the Qur'an or seeing how the words of the Qur'an are being mistranslated. Those deviated scholars who hide and conceal  the truth are responsible for it, And after that, all those people who have become their copycats and puppets instead of using their intellect and understanding, These are the people who are responsible, and those common people who do not use their intellect and understanding and stick to old beliefs without thinking. They are responsible for that too, All such people have to answer before Allah one day.

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty has said that on the last day when the Ummah will be called, then the Prophet Muhammad will complain to Allah that this is my Ummah who has left the Quran.
Prophet Muhammad will not say about the books we have adopted in our daily life, Nor will it say about the books of tradition, He will say that this is the Ummah who left the Quran.

Now please go and check, That the rituals that are being performed in your home and in your family are following the Qur'an and how much is under these traditions. You will be surprised that you have left the Quran and this is the grievance and complain which the Prophet Muhammad will make on the last day, AND THAT IS TRIBBLE COMPLAIN.

Those are the things we have to think and understand if we want to do good to ourselves and our future generations. No one can take away the right to ask questions, And I can feel that our next generation is not afraid to ask questions. So I hope that in the coming time we will move towards improvement and move towards understanding, intellect and correct the mistakes that are happening.
I conclude this article with the hope that the series will continue until my last breath And we will be able to benefit from the guidance of Allah.


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